Thursday, May 27, 2010

Today didn't exactly go as planned...

Each morning here lately, I have been writing To Do List s of what i would like to get done for the day. Today, only 2/10 things got done... My sweet Riley has not stopped talking since 8am, and I have even lost my cool (it's not cool in our house by any means with the ac broken) and told her to SHUT UP! something i have never done. I think the heat is just making me so short fused. We are still waging the war of nap time. Today i told her absolutely that she had to take a nap, because she has shown desperate signs of needing one all day. She has been in there since 1, and it is almost 3. Raigan didn't fall asleep for about 30 minutes of being in her crib either, i think the heat is getting to them too.

I have tried multiple things to get to lay down and close her eyes:

First she loses privlages:

She lost tv/computer time

She lost going to Silverlake this evening to swim/play

I threatened her that she will stay in there until bed time until she takes a nap

(each time i go in there i place her back in her bed also)

and now she is losing toys, each time i go into her room, i take away a toy...

the last time i went in she asked if i was going to take her underwear too and i had to bite my lip before leaving so i didn't laugh infront of her.

This could go on all day...

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