Saturday, June 5, 2010

Busy Life

I was super excited for school to be out for the summer so I would have plenty of time to relax, take it easy, spend time with Hub and my girls, clean the house etc. But life has just gotten even more crazy! Tonight we had my niece's birthday party, Riley's t ball game, and another 1st birthday party to go to. I like having things to keep us entertained, but a night at home would be nice too.

On another note, I have been trying desperately to simplify our life and our home. I have been trying to get rid of quite a bit of things because the less objects we have in our house, the less there is to clean, organize, and keep track of right? I just feel like we have been bogged down by stuff for so long. There isn't a need for all of it. Hopefully if I keep doing a little bit each day things will keep getting more and more simple. There have been a few things to inspire me to do this:

My dear friend, also named Meg, babysits for a family and she invited us over for a play date a week or two ago. This family had quite a large house and so little stuff! They had 3 children, and at first I thought it was a little strange that in the kid's bedrooms there wasn't a lot of furniture. Mainly a bed, a bedside table and a few toys, but the more I got to thinking about it, I decided that it wasn't strange, it was genius! What little this woman has to pick up and clean off and keep organized.

We visited my sister in law's for Memorial Day for a cookout and their house was so neat, free of clutter, and beautifully decorated. I found myself asking her more than once where she got various objects, because I just loved it all.

So I am giving up on holding onto things that I don't think I truly need or will use in the future and am trading it for peace of mind!

1 comment:

  1. I found you from blogfrog too.

    I know what you mean about the neat houses. There are a few friends' houses I envy, but I'm trying to find my own way and balance. We try to keep clutter out of own main rooms. Our bedrooms and closets could use a little attention.

    I'm a little bit of a children's book freak, so we have a lot. I organize our books. Here's some advice, so you don't have to get rid of any books. If you do, donate or sell them. I buy most of mine from used stores.

    I like your blog. It's like a scrap book and journal for your family to treasure. Organizing my photos is a goal for this summer.
