Thursday, June 24, 2010

Embshoff Woods

Ok, so this is a park of my childhood as well. But it's new for my girls. I remember going here when I was super little. They had a huge play ship designed play structure.

But now it's gone. They replaced it with this crazy cool contraption:

I think it's supposed to be designed as a spider, or a spider web.

Riley had so much fun with her cousins, and Raigan did too, but that's another post.

Off now to clean my house. I am having a Mary Kay party here tonight. I have been coveting their extra super crazy curling mascara.


  1. That looks like a really cool park! Thanks for the comment on my blog. I'm following you now.

  2. wow! that is an awesome park! my boys would love that! we have some nice parks here too, but I have never seen anything THAT cool!!
