Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Etsy addiction!

I love all things little girl.
I loved being a little girl.
I love that I have two little girls.

When we were finding out the sex of our second born I was pretty much convinced that it was going to be a boy. In fact, I thought I had wanted one of each sex until I was laying in that ultrasound room waiting for a peak between my much prayed for baby's legs. As I was waiting for the It's a Boy! from the technician I was sad, I was only going to get to plan so many more girl birthday parties for Riley and buy her only so many hair bows, and I knew it's going to be forever hard to find matching outfits that coordinate for a boy and girl with a three year age gap. When she told us we were having our second daughter, I was surprised that I thought I had even wanted the sweet babe growing inside of me to be a boy in the first place. Don't get me wrong, I would have been elated and felt blessed either way! But having another sweet girl was just the cherry on the top of the blessing God graced us with.

Since my girls will only let me dress them how I wish for so long, I have to get my fill while I can. I love buying them matching outfits, and have a slight obsession, okay, okay, a large obsession with clothes, shoes, and hair bows for my girls.

I LOVE etsy!

I recently ordered some head bands for Raigan and some clips too from Briar Claire:

Even the packaging they mailed their products in are cute!

Here is Raigan modeling one of the head bands not pictured above

1 comment:

  1. I love Etsy! My sister has a daughter that is 16 months old and I really want to order her some of those cute little hair clips that you see all over Etsy. They are so adorable. The great thing is, I know my sister will use them because, without a hair clip, my nieces hair falls right in her eyes, so she has to wear one every day.
