Monday, June 14, 2010

Not Me Monday!

Mckmama- Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This week I did not not plan anything for my two girls to do and just drive around to try to find something for us to do cause I just had to get out of the friggin house! Our central air has been broke, and they cannot come to fix it until Tuesday.

I did not spend some of the money we have had saved for the air to get fixed on a new standard camera lens like this one, Not me, I always make responsible financial decisions, and avoid impulse buys.

I did not kidnap my best friend today when my husband needed a day with the kids out of the house because I was just too darn tired to wrangle both kids by myself. I didn't torture myself either by taking my toddler into Nordstrom without a stroller and think I could look at designer shoes without her trying to grab a $400 pair and walk off. Nope, I always bring a stroller, and choose easy outings for a Sunday when I'd rather be home.

I have not avoided the pool this week just because I didn't feel like shaving my legs. I always keep them shaved, and wouldn't avoid taking my babies somewhere because of something as silly as that, not me!

I'm sure glad I didn't do any of those things this week! Head on over to Mckmama and join in on admitting some of the things we'd rather forget.


  1. Hey I clicked on your link from MckMama's site bc it amused me that we share the same name! Then I come here and see that you also named your firstborn daughter Riley and I just had to comment!! Sorry I don't have a blog or anything but just know that there is a fellow Meg and Riley Herald out in Indiana! ha! Blessings on your day :) :)

  2. we are in ky! such a small world!

  3. Meg, now that you have that lovely new lens and you are a self proclaimed paparazzi you should do mamarazzimonday (check it out here)
    PS, Thanks for following me!
