Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bridal Shower

I was hoping to post about the bridal shower I hosted for my sister in law before the wedding, which is this weekend holy cow! I'm making it just in time then. I am SUPER excited about the wedding, it's going to be an outdoor country wedding and those make the most beautiful ones!

Ok, back to the bridal shower, I had bought these decorations that I mentioned here and didn't know if I was more excited about the shower or the cute decor more.

We played party games, which some people love (I know I do!) and others don't, but that's ok, they ate, talked, and drank wine instead. My personal favorite bridal shower game is the purse game, to see who has the craziest stuff in their purse, like diapers, cameras, toys, etc. (I have all three currently in mine if you were wondering). Here is the winner's purse, even though they cheated a little and had like a team of 5 people.

The games are always fun, but the food is always my favorite part of a party! Brandon's uncle at every party we have always says, "We don't eat before we come to your parties, because you guys always have a nice spread." Aww one of the nicest compliments I've gotten. haha, really though.

I made each of the platters too myself: the fruit, veggies, caprese salad, cheese tray, but I did buy this cheese ball, I can do a lot, but not it all!

We played How Well Do You Know the Bride, and her youngest sister won. I asked Charlynn questions too about how well she knows my brother, and she could have spared some of the answers, especially to the what does Mike say to you before bed each night question. Ugh.

Here is almost everyone at the shower.

Afterwords, the Mother of the Bride told me that it was the nicest shower she had been to! Always such a nice thing to hear when you put so much work into something! I hope she enjoyed it, and I can't wait for the wedding! Now I'm off to write a Maid er Matron whichever it may be of honor speech.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That was a delicious looking spread of food!! You are making me want to go to a shower! I always have a good time at those things! Looks like you had a lot of people too!!
