Monday, August 16, 2010

Mamarazzi Monday

Mamarazzi Monday It's time for Mamarazzi Monday with Ann Maire at Household 6 Diva.The weather around here has been nasty. It goes from about 100+ degrees to crazy tornado like storms with high winds. Ugh. So we haven't been doing too much around here. My favorite pictures are of the girls interacting, the ones that show their affection for one another and their love. I'm so glad I was able to give Riley a sibling.

and my fav:

God blessed me with some amazing babies!


  1. Really sweet photos. I love the facial expressions on the second photo! Every picture that you take is cuter than the last! yes, you definately are blessed!

  2. oh these are sweet little shots.

  3. They're adorable. You caught some great moments between them.
