Monday, August 23, 2010

Mamarazzi Monday

Mamarazzi Monday It's time for Mamarazzi Monday with Ann Maire at Household 6 Diva.
I cannot believe that it's already Monday again!  That means back to school for me and Riley today. I'm done dragging my feet and excited for the school year to start. That means one day closer to graduation right? I'm really excited too because I'm taking a photography class this semester, which I'm pretty excited about to be improving my Mamarazzi skills.Here are some pictures from the last squeeze of summer.


  1. i love the pillows barricading the baby in the bed just in case she tips over!!! i used to do that all the time! i totally forgot about that! your kids are just too darn cute!

  2. I just love that first picture. So cute!
