Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday Afternoon

I don't have much to blog about today, except that our yard has gone from unkept to embarrassing so hopefully I'll be able to go out today and get some mums today to plant them and pull weeds and get mulch, and maybe even buy a weed wacker that we needed when we moved into our home 3 years ago.

We will be going to Hilton Head Island later in September and I wish it was tomorrow. Well maybe not tomorrow, because I coulldn't get everything washed and packed that quickly. I'm really excited about it and hope the warm weather will hold out.

My girls let me sleep in today till 9 o'clock, they woke up around 9:30. I could have slept longer, but woke up to make sure they were okay because this NEVER happens. Maybe they could sense their mama needed some extra zzzzs. I thanked them for it.

I'm going to try to make Raigan some tofu for dinner tonight. We'll see how it goes and I'm hoping she likes it.

I have to have my little cheerleading squad's competition paper work turned it Monday, which makes it seem so close! We won't be competing but just doing a little something that 3 year olds do. It should be really fun, I'm excited. I used to live for that day every year when I was little and I hope Riley enjoys it like I used to.

Wish me luck with this hot mess.


  1. Oh, Hilton Head. I'm jealous. I know that will be fun!

  2. Boy Meg, your grass needs a good rain storm...and so does mine! It has been so dry! The poor earth needs a drink of water! I realize this post was made on Aug. 29, so did ya get any yard work done?? If you're like me, you always INTEND to get out there and weed, but then, another day goes by...!!
