Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Back to Life...

Back to Life.. Back to Reality.

We were only gone for a week, but it feels like we have been gone an entire season.

When I left Kentucky last Saturday night the weather was warm, the sun was shinning, it was still summer like with a hint of fall.

I come back and it's 60 degrees, raining, and fall smacks you in the face as soon as you walk out the front door.

My local Kroger has totally paved and re did their parking lot and the whole produce section has changed! It made me feel like a stranger in my own town! Luckily the important things were still in the same spot, like the cookies.

When stopping at the unfamiliar grocery tonight I found the best thing ever:

 I love avocados, so much that I may marry it one day. We all know that whole fresh locally grown fruits and vegetables are the healthiest, but sometimes you just can't wait for that avocado to ripen and you need your fix right then! Or something like that...

These come in three small little 100 calorie packs that you take with you on the go. I have never been able to take an avocado on the go. Until now!

I'm pretty excited about these! I will be having chips and guac for lunch tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. oh man, those are so cool. I have to look for these at my grocery store, Giant Eagle. I don't think I have seen them at Wally Mart. I really love guacamole! so delicious!
