Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Shoes Fix Everything

Life is still insanity busy and I have said more than once today.... oh no! I forgot to do that!

My light at the end of the tunnel is our vacation next week. I thought, oh no, this is going to be crazy, a vacation in September right in the heart of everything, but then I thought.... what a genius idea. A whole week to block out (ha, I will still be doing work even on vacay) and not have anywhere to be, except riding bikes on Hilton Head Island wearing Perry Topsiders and golfing with my hubs.

Just have to get through this week.

When I'm stressed I like to sleep a lot, and buy shoes.

Since sleep hasn't really been an option this week, I bought these:

and these:

The end.


  1. Yay for shoes! I sometimes feel badly for men because they don't have all the fun we get to have with shoes and handbags. :)

  2. Oh I just had laugh out loud. My husband asked why. I had to say you just would not understand. Love your comment: Since sleep hasn't really been an option this week, I bought these:
    That is priceless!!!! OK not really priceless to cute.

  3. Oh, I really loves the ankle boots! adorable!
