Monday, September 20, 2010

Mamarazzi Monday

Mamarazzi Monday
It's time for Mamarazzi Monday with Ann Maire at Household 6 Diva.
Sarah at Main Line Moms is still hosting.

I'm baaaaaaack. Even though I'm still super busy, I can't miss 2 weeks in a row. 
I'm still sick with bronchitis too, but life doesn't stop when a women is sick right?

Being sick, school, work, cheerleading, kids, packing... that didn't get in the way of me taking pictures... :)

Raigan is still not crawling. She scoots backwards though, but that gets here into tough spots, like this one. Half stuck under Riley's bed, and instead of helping her out, I ran and got my camera. 

I didn't stop Riley either when she helped her out, I took a picture instead. I'm definitely a Mamarazzi.

I'm so in love with these girls. :)


  1. Hee hee! You crack me up. Good for you, for getting the camera!

  2. So cute! I love when babies are more mobile and they get into these situations!

  3. Too cute! I'm going to have to join this hop~ I definitely qualify as a Mamarazzi.
