Sunday, September 12, 2010

My Bucketlist

There are quit a few things I would like to do at some point in my life. Some of them I think are totally practical and others not so much (like running a marathon haha). Regardless of how practical they are, I can still want to do them right?


Here's my list I have right now:

Get Married to the love of my life
Have children
Buy a house with a large back yard
Plant a tree
Impact someone's life
Graduate college (almost there!)
Leave the country
Go on an African safari
Visit Paris
Donate my first paycheck as a nurse to St. Jude
Make money taking pictures
Understand organic chemistry
Hike a mountain
Run a marathon
Go white water rafting
Go snorkeling
Shoot a gun
See the seven wonders
Go to carnival in Brazil
Take my girls to Disney World
Visit all 50 states
Be a big sister
Milk a cow

What are things you would like to do with your life?


  1. I love your donate your first paycheck to St. Judes. St. Judes has always been special in my heart. And since loosing my best friend to cancer,(who always wanted to go to St Jude to talk to teenage guys) I have become a loyal donor to St. Jude. Great Bucket list! :)

  2. I love your bucket list and yes I have one of my own. I have a lot on my list, but here are a few...go to Italy, ride in a hot air balloon, make a wedding cake, see Willie Nelson in concert (yes, it's true...I love Willie Nelson, but I am not a country western fan) learn how to knit, go to a Steelers game, and...just once in my life, just once I would love to go on a $1,000 dollar shopping spree to buy clothes just for me! How fun would that be!

  3. Wow.... a bucket list. I have so many things on mine. The top one for my list would be to Own my own home. We did at one time but we sold it and moved in with my parents because my Dad had cancer and they needed our help. I sure miss having my own place. I also would like to finish school. I love this bucket list idea. I am going to sit down and write one of my own.

    Anne @
