Saturday, September 18, 2010

Photography Project One

I have been in love with photographs my whole life. When I was younger, I would carry a camera and take pictures of my friends and I. I would take my own money and buy disposable cameras.

Lots of disposable cameras.

I have always wanted to take a photography class, and really am not sure why I am just now doing so.

This is what I turned in for my first art project of all time. Well not of all time I guess, but since like 8th grade... haha I can't believe I'm so close to graduation and have not taken an art class until now. I think I have been missing out for so long. I was always self described as a math science person, but I like the outlet it gives me to be creative.

We were not allowed to take photographs of people or creatures. 

We were supposed to stay on our block and find these interesting right where we live.

To look up... down... all around.

This is what I saw.

This is my favorite, but I was not allowed to turn them in in color, but I sure can blog in color!

I think it's safe to say that fall is officially here. I love fall.


  1. Wonderful photos. I am a math/science person too, and I photograph because I love art but can not draw or paint ... lol Sounds like a fun assignment, helps you notice and appreciate the things that you would otherwise pass on by.

  2. Great job on your photo assignment! I love your black and whites, but I really love your color one the most too! I think most of my photos tend to be outside. I do take a lot of my boys, but probably more of nature. By the way, I am so NOT a math/science person! That is awesome that you are. I have always been into artsy stuff, cooking, baking...ok, so I am a Home Ec. girl! Hee Hee!
