Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday Monday MONDAY!!!!!!!!

I've never been a fan of Mondays. In fact, most Mondays I have a case of the Mondays. Having class and being at school for 13 hours on Mondays doesn't help much... Anyways lets get to this, because I have hours of homework ahead of me.

Mamarazzi Monday

It's Monday, Mamarazzi Monday with Ann Maire at Household 6 Diva.  Time to share the results of stalking your family this past week. I did not cheat this week, and took many pictures of my family myself, pictures of my friend Candice for my photography project, and pictures of myself for my self portrait project which is pure torture I must say, having to take a minimum required amount of photos of yourself with a DSLR that shows every last imperfection detail.

I don't usually let my 9 month old play with hangers. Or take pictures of it. Not usually.

Raigan does usually give me this, "Mom, are you seriously going to take another picture?" face. Usually.

And Riley, she usually plays dress up, spins in the mirror and says, "This dress is good for spinning." Usually.

I usually try to be an optimistic person, usually, but I think was made a pessimist. Tomorrow (I'm writing this post Sunday night) is going to be the longest day of my life I think. I have Community Health Nursing at 8am, Nursing Research, have photos for my Photography class printed, finish up my English assignment, then an English class, have to do a Community Nursing observation and help give flu shots at a local inner city church, and my cheerleading squad is doing their competition routine for all the other aged squads on our team and parents. There aren't enough hours in the day, I'm exhausted just thinking about it. Wish me luck that I don't have a case of the Mondays tomorrow and that I survive. I usually do.


  1. Cute pics!! I hope you have a great day and find time to take a breath!! :)

  2. Love the pics. My nieces and nephew give me the same look Raigan gave you 'not ANOTHER picture!' I hope your Monday goes well for you inspite of your workload.

  3. oh my gosh what a busy day! i hope you survived all of that!
