Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Christmas Traditions

Christmas is swiftly approaching, which I can hardly tolerate because that means my baby will be a year old.

Uggghh how did that happen?

When did that happen?

Okay, I'll collect myself here...

I have a few things that I'm addicted to as I have mentioned before... like mail, little girl hair bows, magazines, party supplies. At least they are all legal things. Right? That's what I tell myself anyway.

Another of those things happens to be Christmas ornaments.

When Riley was a baby I bought her about 10 my first Christmas ornaments, because how often is your baby going to have a first Christmas? Only once.

With all that being said, each year as a family tradition, we go pick out a Christmas ornament for our tree.

I think I love ornaments so much because they can tell the story of your life. There's just something so darn poetic about it. Like this one:

 This is the year we bought our first home and here's an ornament of it!

These are the ornaments from this year. We got them from Hobby Lobby.

Mine! I love nutcrackers. My mom always had a ton of them when I was a kid. 

This is Hub's. 
I have a ton of nicknames for Brandon, one of them is bears.

 Since Raggie is a baby, I thought she would too young to pick out her own, but she wasn't. I wanted her to get this cute cupcake one, but she choose this one instead and WOULD NOT let go of it for anything! haha

Here's our little ornament family for Christmas 2010!

What are your family traditions?


  1. We buy ornaments too! We haven't yet, I am hoping to this weekend. On Christmas Eve we do one gift, new jammies and a book. Although it will have to be e-books for my husband and I, lol. We also usually have pizza on Christmas Eve, don't know why, just something we've always enjoyed.

  2. I LOVE it!! We do ornaments too. I see so many trees that have all matching ornaments and they are so perfect. They are pretty but to me they have no story. Our tree is full of diffrent ornaments. There are first Christmas married, I have one of a pregnant girl, some my kids have made. I think each ornament on my tree is has some type of story. Also another tradition we have is getting new Christmas pjs. I wrap them all up and put them under the tree. Every year we are allowed to open 1 gift. (and of course its the pjs) Hope you and your family has a Great Thanksgiving.

  3. I think we're going to do the pj thing! I usually buy them, but then they don't wear them to after Christmas, even though they are Christmas pjs! Great idea to open them on Christmas eve!

  4. I have to say that I love ornaments too. We each pick out a new ornament to buy each year too. I'm looking forward to putting up our tree this year!
