Thursday, November 4, 2010

Finally... The Halloween Post

Haha first of all, doesn't Raigan's face crack you up? How can a baby be so serious? haha

This is as close as Riley got to the pumpkins. She is a girly girl and does not like the texture. I wish I could find the picture of Riley as a baby we have of her first experience with pumpkin Found it!

The funny thing is she made this same face this year when she touched the pulp. haha God love her. It is a family tradition that she has to take part it though, even if she just observes from a safe distance.

Raigan on the other hand, well... let just say we couldn't keep her hands off of it. Or her hands full of it out of her mouth!

She would sneak some when she thought we weren't looking and kept taking bites! I wasn't worried about the pulp (which I would imagine it to be healthy for you- although I have no knowledge on the matter at all) but the seeds and her choking on them, but she did just fine.

Don't those big blue eyes and tiny chubby fingers just make your heart melt?

Here are the end results:

                                   (Daddy's)                                                        (Mommy's)

                               (Riley's)                                                                    (Raigan's)

We were a family of crayons!

If you mix red and blue together you get baby purple crayons.

And no, I'm not sure why our front door is wide open?

Hub is such a good sport, not many men would dress up as a giant blue crayon and have fun with it. That's one of the things I love most about him, how playful he can be.

This was our modest loot. Riley didn't trick or treat for very long, which is okay because it's about the experience not the candy that is acquired. I'm afraid now that Raigan has experienced a raspberry dum dum we're all in trouble. 

I hope your Halloween was filled with  love, family, costumes, pumpkins, candy, and fun memories too!

1 comment:

  1. aw, cute crayons!!! that was pretty nice of your hubby to dress up! the photos of the Raigan with the pumpkin pulp is so cute. I love how she's just in a diaper and her cute little orange Halloween shirt and she's ready to get messy!
