Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It's official

It's official... I'm out of control with Raigan's Birthday. I couldn't find any cute things to secure the silverware for Raigan's party with, so I just made stickers myself that match her stuff. I got some sticker paper, used photoshop, and a circle punch.

And I ordered this super cute shirt from this kick ass Etsy store Sticky Noodles. I know I'll be ordering one for Riley's Strawberry Shortcake Birthday too!


  1. I LOVE IT!! I could never be crafty enough to make my own stickers. TOO CUTE!!

  2. SUPER cute! Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. For real. Baking, odds and ends, etc.

  3. Great effort on your part, for making all those stickers. I’m impressed, to say the least.

  4. Oh my gosh! Those owls are the cutest! I absolutely love them! Okay, you've inspired me to create something with my Paintshop software. Later and blessings!

  5. Those owl stickers are adorable! I love owl stuff! The shirt is perfect and way cute! That's so neat that they were able to replicate the owl on her shirt! That is wonderful!

  6. Hi im making the same for my my baby but i dont have the owl for make the stickers!! Do u have the owl in photpshop?? can u send me please!!!?? my mail is natita_valdez@hotmail.com
