Friday, December 31, 2010

The Year 2010

I'd like to recap this past year so I don't forget any of the memories.

We celebrated January 1st in our family room with our two girls and had just become parents again for the 2nd time for only 8 days. We let Riley stay up and watch the ball drop and I snuggled Raigan and was drunk from her intoxicating new born scent.

January was a crazy month that just blew by. I was back in school (that semester feels like a lifetime ago!) and was just trying to survive and adapt to 2 children.

February we celebrated Raigan's baptism and then she came down with a horrible month long upper respiratory virus. She has her first trip to Cincinnati Childrens and got through it with lots of albuterol and prayers.

March Riley turned 3 and had a gymnastics barbie party.  I turned another year older and Hub and I celebrated another Anniversary!

April brought Raigan's first Easter and a looong nursing strike from my 4 month old, but lots of sunshine and beauty!

May was the start of the Summer and the end of another semester. My girls and I spent the spring playing in the back yard and at parks. I had so much fun being a mommy to 2 little girls.

June we joined a pool and spent the whole month there playing! I took most of the summer off to work to enjoy my girls! They loved the pool and I love them loving it!

July and August were spent much of the same way that June was with lots of trips to the zoo and splash parks around the city. I started another semester and Brandon turned another year older. Riley started her first year cheerleading and I had a blast being her coach. Brandon entered into the world of being a cheer dad and there was no one prouder!

September signified the end of the summer and we took our family vacation to Hilton Head Island and enjoyed every second of it. By far has been one of the best weeks and memories of my life. It just felt like everything was relaxed, in place, and exactly the way it was supposed to be!

October came and went as fast as the rest of the year. Much of it was spent and pee wee football games and Riley was in her first cheerleading competition and made me so proud! We celebrated Halloween as a crayon family.

November flew by so fast that I don't even remember it haha. It was spent working a lot and eating Turkey with our wonderful family.

December is here and now almost gone, it's almost unbelievable. I got a new job at the hospital and Raigan turned 1 year old! We had a blessed Christmas with our amazing family and I am forever grateful for this year of memories I've got to spend with them!

2010 was a beautiful year filled with watching my babies grow, growing even more in love with my husband, and learning to be grateful  because the challenges I do face in life are wonderful ones to have. They challenge me to be a better mother, wife, and person in general.

I hope 2011 is as wonderful as 2010 was and full of love and family and new life experiences!

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