Sunday, January 2, 2011


There are lots of things I'm in love with; my husband, my girls, the Lord, and Hallmark ornaments. Well really just Christmas ornaments in general I guess. In the past I have just had them all together wrapped up in a tissue paper and put in a cardboard CVS box and then we separate them and each put ours' up on the tree. This year, it's still weird that this is a new year, it will be simpler. I bought these cute see through totes and each person gets one:

Then I went a little crazy at Hallmark this past week when they had their ornaments 75% off.

Here's our little family in the form of Hallmark ornaments:

The total was nearly $200 for all of these full price, but I only paid around  $30 for all of these:

I have officially put away all of our Christmas decorations and such so it really does feel like a new year. I think a lot of great things are going to come this year and a few big changes. I'm excited, about the changes and these ornaments!


  1. Bargain ornaments! And they all look so lovely. Hopefully I will manage to get out and get a few discount ornaments before they all go. Best wishes for 2011

  2. My whole tree is Hallmark and my mom has passed down some of her ornaments to me. I love how it has personality. I know your kids will love their ornaments, too!
