Thursday, January 27, 2011

Something Lighter

I hope not to take away from our reason of going out of town this weekend, the March for Life, but to share some of the other things we did this weekend. We traveled up north in the winter not cause we are crazy but to stand up for our beliefs. 

We did march up Constitution Ave towards the Capitol Building with the best Pro Life signs we could carry, our two beautiful girls. 

The March for Life was our primary focus, but it was nice though to enjoy the city of Baltimore as a bonus and to make a nice family weekend out of it.

We went to the children's museum, climbed the World Trade Building of Baltimore and got to see this amazing view of the Inner Harbor, and ate the very best meal I have ever had in my life: 
the Maryland crab cake from Mo's Seafood.

Riley took this picture of Hub, I, and Raigan sleeping in the back of our stroller. I think it's pretty impressive for a 3 year old.

The big shark in the background was a submarine in the bay. 
On a side note: Isn't Riley the cutest? I just want to eat her up!


  1. Love the pictures! And what a great event to be part of! And to get your kids involved early is great!

  2. Sounds like a nice little vacation. That's really great that you were part of the march. I have never done anything like that. Glad you got to eat crab cakes, I know you mentioned it before. Sounds soooo darn delicious!!

  3. Yup, one of the prettiest girls ever!
