Monday, February 28, 2011

Party Favor Bags

In this post Strawberry Shortcake and Pirates I showed the things I was going to use to make Riley's favor bags for her birthday.  I finally got around to them before work this morning. I ordered these cute stickers from PartyINK on Etsy. I could have made them like I made these, but frankly just don't have the time. These turned out cuter than I expected. She did such a good job and they turned out exactly what I asked for.

Pink for the girls and green for the boys. 

We filled the boys with pirate things:

And girls with Strawberry Shortcake things of course:

I'm very pleased how they turned out and can't wait for the kids to enjoy them! I can't believe that it's next weekend! I feel as though I haven't planned enough for it because I've been so preoccupied with work, school, clinical, and everything else. I have to be back at clinical tomorrow morning and then maybe I'll catch up on my 30 days of picture thing. Last Friday I took some portraits of my pregnant friend and clinical partner Jamie that I'm excited to share too. I'm glad I'm taking pictures again.

Cheer leading sign ups were this weekend too and although I couldn't go since it was my weekend to work Hub took Riley. I'm going to be coaching again this year and although it doesn't start up again till late spring early summer sign ups got me excited for it.

I'm watching The Thin Man now for my literature and film midterm tomorrow night. I just need to make it through this week and then it's spring break! Wish me luck that I make it to Friday!

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