Saturday, February 12, 2011

Valentine's Day

Monday is Valentine's Day; I still have to help Riley make a box for her Valentine's at school. Not, only is it Valentine's Day it's also February 14th. That's nuts. That February is halfway over. I thought it just began?

Time needs to slow down a little bit, because at this rate, Riley will be moving out next Tuesday.

You have to enjoy them while they are still babies and let you make Valentine's treats for them their preschool class.

Last year I made these for her class and was so in love with the little take out boxes that I bought them on clearance again!

Riley picked out these Barbie Valentines from a stash of clearance ones I got last year too for something crazy like 20 cents a box.

They even have temporary tattoos to tuck into a little slot, because that's exactly what a classroom of preschoolers need. Tattoos. haha

 A little bit of candy and voila. I am off Monday (off meaning I only have one class) so hopefully Raggie and I will be able to make it to Riley's Valentine's Day party at her preschool.

1 comment:

  1. I love Valentine's Day. It's just pure sweetness, hearts and love. What's not to like? hope you enjoyed it!!
