Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 17

Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.

I have been so slacking with my blog lately.

I also totally forgot about my 30 day thing! I have been busy planning our summer away. I hope to squeeze every drop out of this summer and our lives.

Day 17

The earthquakes in Japan have had a huge impact on my life lately, not only because my brother lives in Japan which was terrifying. My mom is a worrier and she worries about him a lot, but when I heard about this devastating event I couldn't breathe. One of my teachers once told me that there are two great motivators in life: fear and love. These motivators were very true through this event. Not only for my brother, but for my fellow humans as well. I can't imagine the devastation and strength these people have to experience. I'm so grateful for my life and the security of being where we are. I can't do much currently for these people except prayers, but there will be plenty.

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