Monday, March 14, 2011


Today I'm 24. On one hand I don't feel like I'm a year older at all and on the other hand I feel like I'm 34.

I sent an email to the principle of the school we intend to send Riley for kindergarten and then right after I died. My baby and kindergarten? It can't be happening yet! and luckily it won't be until the end of next year. They register in January though, that's a little ahead of the game isn't it? So in January of 2012 I will be signing my little sugar rump up for her journey through grade school. It's tough to handle that it's less than a year away.

I feel like 24 is the perfect year to fulfill some of my dreams and goals. I will graduate college in my 24th year, which may sound a little later for some, but I did have 2 kids in the mix of it all. I'll be signing my baby up for kindergarten in my 24th year. I'll be loving the heck out of life and breathing in every day of my 24th year.

I'll remind myself (hopefully) that "today is gift!" "today is a gift!" "today if a gift!"

I plan to cross some more things off my bucket list too, I crossed this off my list yesterday:

Get Married to the love of my life
Have children
Buy a house with a large back yard
-------------------> Plant a tree
Impact someone's life
Graduate college (almost there!)
Leave the country
Go on an African safari
Visit Paris
Donate my first paycheck as a nurse to St. Jude
Make money taking pictures
Understand organic chemistry
Hike a mountain
Run a marathon
Go white water rafting
Go snorkeling
Shoot a gun
See the seven wonders
Go to carnival in Brazil
Take my girls to Disney World
Visit all 50 states
Be a big sister
Milk a cow

This is the best picture I have of the tree in the ground haha, but it's a red maple and I hope it we will get to watch it grow with our girls and myself in the years to come.

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