Saturday, April 30, 2011


I get to check another thing from my bucket list and I couldn't be more excited about it!

Get Married to the love of my life
Have children
Buy a house with a large back yard
Plant a tree
Impact someone's life
Graduate college (almost there!)
Leave the country
Go on an African safari
Visit Paris
Donate my first paycheck as a nurse to St. Jude
Make money taking pictures
Understand organic chemistry
Hike a mountain
Run a marathon
Go white water rafting
Go snorkeling
Shoot a gun
See the seven wonders
Go to carnival in Brazil
Take my girls to Disney World
Visit all 50 states
Be a big sister
Milk a cow
I can't even call it work because I enjoyed doing it so much, but I finally did make money from taking pictures.This family made it so easy and made capturing these photographs so easy:

1 comment:

  1. awesome job! That is so great that you got paid to take photos! How wonderful. I'll bet it was so fun.
