Saturday, April 2, 2011

Last Weekend

Last weekend after Riley's swim lessons (which we made to on time!)  my little family and I ventured downtown to eat at It's Just Crepes.

I love being in the city, any city, it just makes you feel like you are apart of something bigger. 

We also enjoy exploring new places and trying new things and living life. It made me so proud when Riley told me while we were down there, "Mom, I like to explore the world." 

I also had intentions of taking way more photographs, but don't really know the rules of taking pictures in places, so maybe next time. 

The food there was soo good, I got a Hawaiian crepe with ham, pineapple, and brown sugar. Riley and Raigan of course loved theirs because it was full of marshmallow, nutella, and ghram cracker. Nutritious? no, but you only live once. 

It was just an overall fun place. I'm sure we'll be back.

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