Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tonight we walked onto the beach, I felt the soft cool breeze and I feel in love with Carolina all over again. My first born running and giggling letting the waves chase her and my second born saying the Oohhhhh!! ‘s that she does so often. I love this. The sun was sparking right before sunset and I just breathed in the salty cool air and was at total absolute peace.

Raigan ran into the ocean, I’m so glad that she is now walking and gets to experience this. She is so innocent as she just charges into the water and doesn’t fear it at all.

I hope my girls get to read this one day and that they know this is exactly where I want to be at this moment, with them.  I want to soak every bit of their tiny little childhood up and mostly I want them to know that I love them .

I got to spend my Mother's Day 2011 right here and it was the best way to spend one yet.


  1. So nice to "meet" you in MckMama's blogfrog the other night. I'll be following along now!


  2. Wow these pictures are amazing! I love the feel and the setting sun. Your girls couldn't be more adorable. You're one lucky mother!

  3. Wow, I can relate to that feeling. Sounds like such a wonderful time. And...i can't believe your baby is walking!!! That's how much I've missed on your blog lately...I'm trying to get caught up!
