Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 27

Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member.

This is one of my non blood related family members, and in the state of Kentucky I had to sign saying so before I married him. haha

I have never loved someone that wasn't blood related to me (my mom, dad, brother, children) as much as I do this man. I always was a little scared about the part where we weren't the, even though they drive you crazy you have to claim them because they are your family no matter what, share the same genes, kind of family, but he has been apart of my family since we were dating. I have never had a person stand by me through so many things, good and bad, and love me for exactly who I am, and not ask me to change anything about myself, even the qualities that I could do without. 

We may not share genetics, but he is now the, drive you crazy you have to claim them because they are your family no matter what kind of family. I love you Brandon.

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