Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I'm a lucky lady

I'm a lucky lady to get to wake up to these two sugar lumps early in the mornings.

Brandon works the typical 9 to 5, and I usually work nights, so I get to snuggle these crazy kids early in the day all by myself. 

I wish this little girl would tell me her secret to the bundles of energy she keeps packed away to keep her going full force all day long. 

Raigan just goes with the flow and watches her crazy sissy, but I'm sure she'll be right there with her before too long. 

I love them and I love the sisterly bond they already intrinsically have and the parts of that bond that develop as the days grow in numbers. 

It does make me a tiny bit nervous for their teenage years, because I can already envision Riley talking Raigan into doing something that I did as a teen would make me crazy as their mother.

This is froggy, Riley's very creatively named lovey that she sleeps with every night, you can tell he has been loved and loved a little too much.

When I look at her hair it reminds me that she is slowly growing out of her babyhood and into being a little girl. That makes these morning snuggles even more important because things are changing so fast, and she is growing so big. 

So we make our beds and snuggle in them, dance in our underwears, and mess them up all over again.

I'm not a morning person, and that's putting it lightly, but I take so many photos to see the beauty in these mornings instead of the groggy-sleepy vision I sometimes see them through.

1 comment:

  1. Your girls are beautiful! I, too, am not a morning person, so we spend a lot of time snuggling in bed...bonus when Daddy gets to be there, too! I have four girls ages 11, 9, 5, and 2 1/2. They are so fun! Thanks for visiting my blog and I am now following you. I look forward to reading more of what you have written and what you will write!
