Tuesday, June 28, 2011

This is my beautiful daughter Riley playing in our garage last week on a sticky, humid, raining on and off day last week.

It has been raining a ton on and off here and we've had to spend a few days playing in the garage, wishing the rain to stop.

All I can keep thinking is, "holy cow, how and when did she become so tall!" Also, I keep thinking that you can tell that it's a humid day because look at the curls in my girl's hair. I am also thinking that one shouldn't judge the condition of my garage, unless of course you want to come clean or organize my garage. Then please, judge away until it's nice and tidy by all means. 

My girl drew this little snail on the left and this big, I-don't-quite-know-what-it-is on the right. I think both are quite impressive and she's awfully proud of herself here, don't you think?

1 comment:

  1. aw, love the drawing...how cute!! I love kid art! You are fortunate to have rain, we have not been getting very much here at all. However, our weather has been so pleasant and wonderful...warm and dry in the day and cool at night.
