Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Basket

I love to watch my girls play together.

It's the sunshine to my life.

My girls have a pretty cool playroom. It's filled with a train table with an elaborate collection of Thomas the Train trains, a Dora kitchen, a puppet theater, and an impressive collection of toys we've accumulated over the past 4 years. There are puppets, puzzles, play food, and pretty much half of a Toys R US down there, but their favorite toy?

A basket and a little imagination.

They use it as a bed and put pillows and blankets and pretend that one another are the royal Queen. They pretend that it's a race car and push the other one down the hall as fast as they can. It morphs into a cave some days and a good hiding spot on other days. A platform to stand on when they win a gold metal; their (and by their, I mean mostly Riley because Raigan just follows along with her big sis) creativity never ceases to amaze me. I'm proud of their creativity and ability to think outside the basket.

"Girls, it's probably not a good idea to play with the basket on the bed, one of you could fall off."

"Can I sit on it, Mom?"

"No, I just don't want you  guys to fall down and get hurt. You could easily fall off the basket with it up there."

"Like this, Mom?"

"Yes, Riley, just like that."

"Like this, Mom?"

"Yeah, Raigan, just like that."

 (as you can see from the pictures, I was closely supervising behind a camera lens)


  1. They are adorable and the room is decorated so cute!!

  2. I love all the cute pictures!! They are so sweet together. : )

  3. Aw, they are having so much fun! Laundry baskets do make for fun times with kids. My kids have played with them too! They still do. Love the pink room. Goodness, it's so funny because my life and your life is like night and day as far as children are concerned. So girly for you and for me, we have all the different kinds of Nerf guns, wooden rifles that shoot rubber bands, Legos, of course when they were younger..trucks and cars as far as the eye could see. I'm not planning on having more I will have to wait to be a grandma before I have babydolls and Barbies floating around this house! LOL Great photos..and i cannot believe how big Raigan is. When I started out reading your blog, she was just a look at her!! wow! They are both so adorable!
