Saturday, March 24, 2012


I suppose everyone has their perceptions of all the different types of schooling. There is public school, private school, home school, catholic school, charter schools, board schools, and whatever others I can't think of. So when you think about your child and their education it can get overwhelming. As my girls' mother I feel like it's my responsibility to research all of the options and find the best one for my girls. I've given a lot of thought to homeschooling. I love teaching my girls and I think I know them better than anyone and their strengths, things they need to work on, the best way that they learn, and so on.

I get insecure though and think that maybe I do know those things and can work with their teachers to facilitate the best type of learning for them and to leave the work to the professionals. I mean, I would find it a little strange if Riley's kindergarten teacher tried to tell me how to nurse patients.

Currently we just do fun workbooks and activities that my girl enjoys. We color, do sight words, put together puzzles of the United States and talk about how many 5 nickles and 3 pennies are. I think it is super important for my girl to socialize too because it's her personality and being around others feeds her so soul like it does mine. After thinking a ton about it, Hub and I decided to register Riley for a private Catholic grade school at the parish we belong to. She will start half day Kindergarten in the fall, and I am thinking about home schooling her the afternoon. There is a homeschooling convention coming in April, and I think I may have convinced Hub, whom is very skeptical of homeschooling, just to check it out. I am worried though that I will confuse her and be overloading her with too many things and different teaching styles, but I think it will all be worked out and just take some communication between her teacher and I.

Where ever our path of life takes us, I'm sure things will fall into place exactly as they should. In the mean time, we are going to have fun learning at home because this is such a fun and exciting age, and Riley is enjoying it. Raigan is also working on coloring and recognizing the different letters, both capital and lower case, and has mastered her ABCs.

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