Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Mr. Wonderful

 I pretty much live my life in songs. Something happens and I bust into song more than once a day.

Like the other day when I was lost on the East side of Cincinnati trying to find Ault Park to take pictures of my girls, and I brought my camera with a dead battery... and a dead backup battery, but that's a whole nother story. I called my best friend Sarah in a desperate attempt that she would somehow to be able to give me directions, and said... I'm lost on the Eastsideeeeeee motelllll (singing to Warren G regulators). I just realized how embarrassing this was to admit, but it's the only example I can think at the moment for the life of me!

I could list a lot that I relate to with my life, but then I would probably be listing every country song ever written. Weird thing is I used to HATE country music and be discussed by it. Until- my freshman year of college at UC. I was at a frat party with my roommates and Summertime by Kenny Cheney comes on, and man, he hooked me like a cowboy lassoing a cow.

This story does have a point.

I promise- and it even relates to my husband. haha

You know that song Just Another Day in Paradise by Phil Vassar where he talks about a typical crazy day of every day life in America and how it's paradise because he spends it with his love. That is Brandon and I.

If someone would have told me that night at the frat party that in 5 short years, that I wouldn't be in Med School, I would be married to Brandon, have 2 girls, a mortgage, living in Ky still, and be where I am today, I probably would have stopped drinking the kegged beer, because I would have thought that I had definitely had ONE too many! haha

The thing is at the time this life would have seemed like the LAST place I saw myself, but now it's my paradise. "I wouldn't trade it for anything, and I ask the Lord every night, for just another day in paradise."

That's what I love most about my husband. We have an amazing simple life, and I wouldn't have wanted these 5 crazy years to have turned out any differently.

I also love that:

Brandon didn't run in the other direction as fast as he could when I was 16 and I told him that I knew I was going to marry him one day. That could have been the scariest thing for an 18 year old guy to hear! haha

When my oncologist told me that it may be now or never to have children because I was only left with one tumor covered ovary and endometriosis, he wasn't terrified, he stood right beside me.

He loves me for exactly who I am, the good the bad, the mean, the happy, every single part about who I am, and has never once asked me to change. Even the fact that I love country music now, and he still detests it. He stays home with our girls so I can go out with my friends to see Tim McGraw play.

He is the BEST father I could ask for, for my children. He has two girls and he acts like proves that he is a pro at all things little girl and still be so masculine. He does hair, gives baths, plays barbies, read stories (princess ones at that) like a champ and doesn't hesitate to put every bit of his soul into being a father.

When we were finding out the sex of our second born, he was elated that we were having another girl when I was a tad disappointed (for a nano second) that it wasn't a boy. His reaction and the smile and the excitement on his face made me fall in love with him all over and over and over again.

The way that he is my partner and equal. Everything we do is fifty fifty. He helps with the dishes, mops the floor, etc. there is not a chore that he does not help me with or would if I asked even if sometimes I have to ask over and over.. I mean he still is a guy. haha I kid, I kid.... a little.

He is so funny and playful. Simple as that.  (his shirt says: Daddy Needs a Timeout)

He never complains about how hard it was and how fast we grew up over the past 5 years. He never complained about the many times he has had to work two jobs to get us where we are now.

He supports me in so many areas. He supports me though school, takes the girls so I can study, go to study groups, lets me go to star bucks when my girls are driving me freaking crazy I need some quiet time to myself. Encourages me to think of and do things for myself, which many mother's fall in the trap of doing. He even supported my HUGE struggle with breastfeeding and even did a mock version of this by pouring the milk from a bottle to get Raigan to latch and even unconvinced me that I had lost my marbles for doing so.

He is my high school sweetheart, my best friend, my partner, my lover, my hard worker- my Brandon.

I think I've got one heck of a chance at Mama M's  Mr. Wonderful contest!


  1. what a great post! i love that song as well.

  2. Wow! These posts are blowing me away!!! There is something about a man with his girls that pulls at my heartstrings!

  3. I'm your newest follower! Please follow me back at

    <3 Jess

  4. That is the sweetest post ever!! Your husband is awesome! I thought that I got the last good guy out there, but I found out you got one too! It's so great to see such an involved, loving, and good example of what a father and husband should be! My hubby is an excellent father too. I feel very blessed to have him! He is an excellent hubby too! Glad for you that you are happy!

  5. Oops! I forgot to mention...the picture of your husband reading your girls a bed time story is killing me! It is sooooo adorable! and their little night gowns are SO cute.."little sister, big sister". so sweet!

  6. Aww! So sweet! Keep these thoughts handy for those times when it harder to remember. I love the matching outfits and we have the same Bobby cover.

    Were you able to get your baby to nurse?

  7. I did finally get her to nurse after LOTS of hard work! :)

  8. I really like the sleeping picture :)
