Friday, June 18, 2010

My Best Friend

You stand by me 
And you believe in me
Like nobody ever has 
When my world goes crazy
You’re right there to save me
You make me see how much I have

My hub doing the dishes :) That's one of the many reasons I love him. When we were dating before kids, I had about 4895731985 pictures of us together, and just now searched through the thousands of files of the girls and this is one of the very few I came up with. It's old too, Raigan is like two months old in this one, before she plumped out. I'll have to work on that. Not plumping Raigan, on taking pictures of Bran and I. Speaking of Tim McGraw (the lyric above) I'm going to see him and Riverbend tonight and am sooo excited! On a total side note (this post is all over the place) Brandon and I used Cincinnati landmarks as table names at our wedding reception and Riverbend was one of them.

This is honestly the tiniest picture I have on my computer, but you can see the table card in the veeeery right of the picture. Wish I would have had more, cause those took me a while to make and they were so cute!

1 comment:

  1. funny you should say that about not having any photos of you and your hubby...well, that is true for us too. Or even better yet...all of the events that I take photos of like holidays, bdays, I'm usually not in any of them, because I am the one behind the camera. I have to remind myself to have my hubby take a photo to prove that I actually did exist at these functions! ha ha!
