Thursday, June 17, 2010

Summer Afternoon

Of course I didn't waste any time trying out the new lens! I even nicknamed it the nifty fifty. Okay, okay I stole it from a review I read of the lens, but how clever! I never buy anything anymore without reading a review on it... I'm pretty sure that makes me old, but not positive.

I was totally out of my freaking mind brave to take my camera to the pool a few afternoons ago to try out my new lens. It's taking a little to get used to that it is fixed, the view is super up close, so you have to stand wayyy back to get a lot in the shot. I love the super low f stop though, so it's worth it. Here is what I came up with. (These are unedited too... straight out of the camera- not bad if I do say so myself)


  1. those are great photos!

  2. wow! those are awesome! the clarity is beautiful! you are so lucky you have a great camera. I have a pretty nice digital camera, but nothing fancy. I have taken some great photos, but I haven't taken the time to read the whole instructions booklet to learn how to do all the manual settings. I think you have inspired me to do it!!
