Saturday, August 7, 2010

Blog Hop

To make those not at the BlogHer10 Conference is in New York this weekend not feel left out, Robyn  at Pensieve is hosting a Blog Hop during BlogHer. 

It works by writing a summary of your blog, link to her blog, and link to the Linky.

Here is the short version:
I'm Meg. I'm a twenty-something wife, mother, and student.

I love to blog about

  • my girls and our day to day life
  • the ways I have been learning to be a better wife and mother
  • parties
  • share my amateur photography skills
  • fun things to do in the greater Cincinnati area
  • my continuing struggle to live more simply and be more organized.
Join me for this crazy wonderful ride of life!

 Here is the longer version:
This is my story:

I love the Lord, and usually choose to keep my faith mostly to myself, even though this story is full of it. I've been dating my Husband since I was 16 and am more in love with him today then I was then. After having a tumor and my left ovary removed I longed for children more than ever! My oncologist told me that I would have trouble conceiving and would most likely have to do fertility treatments. My miracle happened when I found out I was pregnant with our first daughter, Riley, without treatments.

I started by blog, but kept it private. 

A few years later at a doctor's appointment I asked about being able to conceive again, and the obgyn's response was, "Well, you got lucky once, maybe you'll get lucky again." Devastating words to hear. Even though I was in my second year of a BSN program and the timing was terrible, we starting trying for baby number two.

I deleted my blog.

I struggled to see other pregnant women,  clung to my faith, and pushed through the semester. Each time mother nature visited me, I cursed her name... not really but it was hard. One day I just decided that I would take a pregnancy test just to be sure, and was never so happy to see two lines! God had been working all along!

A few weeks later, I got my period. I went to the emergency room and it was the lowest I had ever felt in my entire life. I was having terrible cramps and expecting the worst, but asked the Lord to help me through whatever was going to happen. Waiting on the ultrasound took about 20 years, but when I heard that super fast heartbeat I burst into tears! Be strong in the Lord and never give up hope! I struggled through the next semester with a challenging pregnancy including months of preterm labor, but somehow finished all my finals and gave birth to our second daughter the day before Christmas Eve. What a gift!

I continue to trudge through finishing school, and would not have chosen a different path. So here I am. I restarted blog publicly this January, and love to look back over the year to see how far we've come, and am now hooked to blogging.

I love to blog about

  • my girls and our day to day life
  • the ways I have been learning to be a better wife and mother
  • parties
  • share my amateur photography skills
  • fun things to do in the greater Cincinnati area
  • my continuing struggle to live more simply and be more organized.
Join me for this crazy wonderful ride of life!


  1. Nice to meet you! Your girls are very similar in age two my two youngest! (They are three and seven months - born Dec 19!!) We had a more difficult pregnancy with our youngest as well - diagnosed with heart defects while I was pregnant, and then she was born five weeks early.

    I love photography as well and am always working on being more organized and getting rid of what we don't really need! Glad to find you!

  2. Praise God for those little girls! What an amazing story!
