Monday, August 9, 2010

Mamarazzi Monday

Mamarazzi Monday It's time for Mamarazzi Monday with Ann Maire at Household 6 Diva. We have been super busy these past few weeks. I have been trying to get things organized when school starts, and we are going on vacation next month to the beach! But I have still managed to snap a few photos of my girlies this week:

 Riley is trying to fix Raigan's hair in this one, and I'm not so sure Raigan knows what to think about it. haha

Have a good week picture taking mommies!


  1. We LOVE our bumbo seat!! :) Did you know they make a tray? I totally didn't know about the tray until our third baby was born! :)

    Raigan and my Maggie could be twins with those two little teeth on the bottom!! And those little hand dimples! *SO SWEET!

    Great Shots Mamarazzi!

  2. Her eyes are beautiful. The bumbo seat is the best! I loved it!

  3. Your baby is gorgeous. Those eyes are *WOW*! I love the snapshot of the little hands :)

  4. What cute kiddos! :) We loved the bumbo, too. We had one with a tray for our second was really nice!

  5. I love that last photo! The look on her face is so funny and cute! That little seat, I guess it's called the bumbo...I think they are a great invention! I would have loved that for my kids!
