Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Little Weekend Project

My sweet babe is 7 months old now. I had all intentions of painting her room before she was born, but life was a little crazy then. Then she was born the day before Christmas Eve, and things were even more crazy. Then school started back and... well, you get the idea. So finally this weekend my Hub taped and primed the walls while I was at work, and then when I got off work we painted it together. 

My mom would die if she knew I put this picture up. haha But this is the before picture. And a picture of Raigan, my mom, Riley, and the pug- oh and a mess.

This T Rex picture is perfect for a baby's room don't you think?
Riley thought so too. And that's not a shade, that's a blanket, just in case you were wondering.

The room was a pale yellow. Like an almost white pale yellow.

So we painted it a brighter yellow that we matched to the pillow from the Circo Love and Nature Collection.

I love how it turned out! And it only took almost a year.


  1. GREAT JOB!! I love the new room. Its so beautiful and peaceful. I know your little girl must love it too!

  2. I love that color of yellow. It is so bright and cheery!! The owl stuff is so sweet!! You did a great job! ....And believe me...I know what it's like to put something off for so long!!

  3. I really love how you matched the paint to the bedding set. Cute!
