Sunday, December 26, 2010


My sister in law watched my babies for me while I had to work the other day. When I came to pick them up she had a mini chocolate factor going on making these:

Oh my goodness., it was all soo good! One of my favorite was something called an Oreo Truffle you can find the recipe here. All you do is blend up oreos and cream cheese and then dip it in melted chocolate. There is a hard part to it though, not eating the whole batch.

Then! You wouldn't believe who showed up...

Long lost fundraiser space camp kid from a month or two ago! haha He brought me these:

You can't see the bottom box label but it says espresso bites. yum!

1 comment:

  1. ok! I would be loving all of those treats that your sister in law made! I am a sucker for chocolate! Those Oreo Truffles sound like heaven. I really need to make those....what should I do if I can't stop eating them??? Ha Ha! I know I'll be in trouble!
