Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Smorgasboard

Believe it or not, the majority of my family does not know how to swim. Weird, I know. I thought everyone could manage in the water, but not my mom and two older brothers. They miss out on so much fun that a huge pool of water has the potential of being . I don't have too many early childhood memories of going to a pool, but as I got older I have plenty and loved spending time there with my friends in the summer time.

My girls though, I think they were born with fins, because they love it. We have an indoor pool at our community center and they love swimming there, they love to swim on vacation, in fact that's how we spent 75 percent of our vacation in Hilton Head, and they love to swim at our outdoor water park at our community center.

I love the sun and it loves me most of the time. I love the white noise that pool has to offer. I love that my babies love to splash, swim, jump, and play,

I think poolside is where we're going to the spend the majority of these summer days, being lazy pool bums.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I have been itching to go to the pool! I can't wait. We don't belong to any pools, but there is a local public pool that we love. Happy Summer!! Yay!
