Friday, June 3, 2011

Little Passports

I think it's really important to teach our children about the world around us. To teach them that what goes on here in small town Northern Kentucky is just a freckle of what goes on in the world. In a perfect world I would pack a bag and throw my kids on a plane and show them the world firsthand, but since I'm not a billionaire and my children aren't even quite old enough I think to comprehend other cultures, we're taking baby steps.

I read a lot of magazines. I have subscriptions to quite a few and get one in the mail every few days. Naturally, I read a lot of parenting magazines, being a parent in all. So one day I was sitting on the couch after dinner while my sweet husband was doing the dishes and saw an advertisement for this, and just knew I had to have it for my little Riley, the one that loves to "explore the world" as she puts it herself.

Little Passports (click to see their website) is a San Fran based company that sends the character Sam and Sophia around the world. Your kids can follow them along and learn about different cultures around the world and learn world geography. Unfortunately I'm not getting paid by anyone to say this haha but I think it's a pretty neat little thing for little ones.

It comes with this cute little suitcase, which is worth the $10 alone. 

There is also a world map, a passport where you can put your child's picture, a boarding pass with access codes to online games, stickers, and worksheets.

Each month the characters, Sam and Sophia travel to a new country and a new package comes for a monthly fee that you can cancel at anytime. Super cute and a great way to get Riley excited about learning other cultures and get a perspective on how large the world is.

Plus she loved getting mail with her own name on it, she must get that from her mama.

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