Saturday, June 18, 2011

Bakery Shop

Last night my sister in law and I set up shop in my kitchen to make stuff for a bakesale for our girls carwash/bakesale today for cheerleading. We baked, well she baked 4 boxes of cupcakes...

Patriotic chocolate dipped strawberries...

And S'more pops...

You just put a marshmallow on a stick...

Dip it into chocolate and twirl as you tap the excess chocolate off...

Sprinkle some crumbled graham crackers on top...

 And voila...

I had a vision of sharing photos of the end result of the bake sale and all the other goodies that the other mamas came up with, but... of course it rained this morning, so now we have lots of baked goods because the car wash was canceled. Too bad for us haha, but I had so much fun hanging out with my sister in law regardless. We now have future career plans of being a food stylist & food photographer team if nursing doesn't work out for us.

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