Tuesday, June 21, 2011


This is my little Riley; the little that made me a mother. She no longer likes to be stalked by her mother holding a camera and sometimes asks not to be photographed and other times just makes expressions like this:

She is creative with an imagination bigger than her little 4 year old self. 
She is very energetic for a zest for life. 

She loves to “explore the world.”

She has never met a stranger, She could (and does) approach anyone and begin a conversation or ask them for help or tell them what she is thinking. 

She is very strong willed. This is a girl that knows exactly what she wants and doesn’t stop until she attains it. 

She loves toothbrushes and brushing her teeth, a strange but very welcomed trait. 

She’s nuts. 

She sleeps with her lovey, Froggy  and classical music every night , does not like the dark and her closet door must be shut before she goes to bed.

We let her watch way too much tv.

Her best friend is her cousin, Chloe and they fight like they are sisters more than cousins. 

She loves hot dogs and berries of all kind. 

My girl is very loud and is very interested in what she wears, because she wants to be “fashionable”. 

Sometimes I let her wear her crazy outfits to express herself and other times we compromise, because boots and a vest jacket aren’t the best choices on a 90 degree day here in the tristate. 

Whenever I bake, she asks to crack the eggs and lick the spoon and usually I oblige, until I’ve picked out the 9854923th egg shell and send her on her way. 

She rides in a booster seat. 

She is no longer scared of the uneven bars at gymnastics, but can still not swim regardless of her 2+ years of swim lesions, but I guess I’ll cut her some slack since she’s only 4. 

She still has a crooked little toe on her left foot and I love her to death. 

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