Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July

Unfortunately I did not have my camera attached to me like an appendage as I normally do through our 4th of July celebration.

Fortunately I enjoyed the heck out of this birthday of our country with my family, mother in law's family, brother's family, and pretty much other brother but he's actually my cousin's family.

Unfortunately I really burned my hand and it hurt, but fortunately it feels much better today.

Fortunately I and my mother in law made these Rice Krispie Treats, but unfortunately for my figure I ate a good majority of them. 

We enjoyed fireworks, time with family, cookout food, which is my favorite, and a wonderful holiday.

Happy Birthday America!

1 comment:

  1. Those Rice Crispy treats sure look yummy!! ONE day I will actually make some that are yummy. Something always happens and they never turn out right. Something so easy I know. lol
