Saturday, July 2, 2011

Atlantic City

I cannot believe that it is already the weekend again and how fast time goes these days.

A few months ago my husband's best friend, Simon (who bought the house next door to us) and his girlfriend were planning on going to see Dave Matthews Band in Atlantic City, New Jersey. I love DMB and thought it would be so fun if Hub and I joined them for a weekend getaway. We bought tickets, they booked a hotel, my mother in law agreed to keep the girls, plans were made.

Skip ahead a few months and our friends decided that they couldn't go after all, so we all listed our tickets on Stub Hub and canceled our reservations.

Their tickets sold ours did not. So after teetering back and forth about whether or not to go we teetered on the go side and I'm so glad we did, because my Hub and I had an amazing few days together. It was a little strange without the girls because although we do things without the girls, the other one of us is usually at home with them, and it's with our friends or other people, not with each other.  It was strange, but much needed and honestly I forgot how much fun I can have with my husband and that things are so laid back between us with the chaos of daily life is not in the mix. I also came back a better mama, because I feel as though my patience cup was filled to the brim and possibly overflowing this week.

Here is our weekend getaway in picture form, because that's the best way I know how to share things:

We had a blast!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for a weekend get away. My husband and I took our first get away last year at Christmas to Pigeon Forge and LOVED it. Nothing spectacular about the trip. Just nice having each other all to ourselves. And not CONSTANTLY having our conversation interupted by our kids. But I was still very glad to get back home to my kidos. : )
