Friday, July 1, 2011

I have 8 minutes to write a blog post, GO!

On Tuesday something pretty life altering happened to our family, nothing too terribly tragic, but it still kind of sucks. We are looking at it in a positive light and a new path for us to take and an opportunity to thrive instead of flourish.

I love this jar that we saw in a little food shop on the boardwalk in Atlantic City, New Jersey last weekend that I just had to photograph it to remind myself when the time was appropriate. I was thinking, wow, I can just reference this when I'm scared of change and how a positive attitude can change everything. Little did I know I would be referencing it so soon. Soon being Tuesday when my husband was unexpectedly laid off from the jobs he's been at for years. Business is slow and the economy is still slow and well it just sucks.

We are forever thankful for my job at the hospital and that I will be graduating in December into a career that forever has job security, nursing.

I really have no idea where the rest of this summer will take us, but I know it's going to be fun regardless and we are going to look at this as an opportunity for bigger and better things to come into our lives. We are not going to fear change and leave it, we're going to pick it up and run with it.

And it's always nice to know that the good Lord will always provide, even if it's different from what we expect.


  1. Praying for everything to work out for you and your family. What a shock for ya'll to take! Praying for peace of mind too! Have a great weekend.

  2. So sorry to hear that. I know that is beyond stressful. Prayers for your family.
