Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summer Days

The other night my sister in law was in town with her little man, Donovan. Here he is making his first appearance on my blog when he was still growing comfortably in his mama's belly. And here is his first appearance post-birth on my blog.

My mother in law was simply glowing the other night when all three of her children and all three of her grandchildren were under her roof.

His pouty little lips, chubby cheeks, and baby smell were enough to trigger a pretty severe case of the baby crazies within me, but I kept repeating the word graduation, graduation, graduation in my mind over and over. I did this to suppress any crazy ideas of even a thought of conceiving another child at any point really, and especially 5 months before graduation. Not that I couldn't get through a semester (or two) of being pregnant, because I have before, but I'd rather try not to make it harder than it needs to be.

After getting to snuggle this sweet little babe briefly it just reinforced that Raigan is more toddler less baby these days, and even though I know it's been that way for awhile, it's still a little hard to take.

Talk about hard to take, the fact that my first born is going to be in her last year of preschool this year is pretty hard to take too.

Before we know it, Donovan too will be running down the sidewalk demanding Pop Pickles, just like our little Raigan.

Raigan loved  baby Van and was so gentle with him, but she isn't hesitant to let us know though that she still is our baby though. Her faces as of late have been totally cracking me up, they are full of expression and I can't help but wonder if I make the same faces, because I can see myself in her more and more each day.

There are many reasons why I'm still so in love with my husband, but a really huge one is the way he is with children. He is so loving, gentle, paternal, and playful with not only our own children, but all children. I love this photograph of my husband playing peak a boo with his nephew and the sweet little kiss that Raigan is trying to steal in the foreground.

I'm very thankful to be spending these summer days enjoy ourselves and surrounded by love and family. We are blessed beyond measure.