Monday, June 4, 2012


Pretty excited to share my yard sale finds from this weekend. We spent Saturday driving back from Hilton Head Island and got back late that night, but I woke up earlyish Sunday morning and went yard sale-ing with my mom. One of my girlfriends asked me how I could do that after just driving back all that ways and my answer, "Gotta live life baby, and yard saleing makes me happy."


I probably would have paid $1.00 for the Dr. Seuss because I've been wanting to buy the girls a few at the bookstores, but it just adds up. Good find and I got all these Magic School Bus books that we love too.


I was obsessed with this. I dug up change from my car and bargained the lady down a dollar because I didn't have another one. The girls are going to be staying with one of their grandmas in two weeks because one of my best friends is getting married kind of out town. I'm so looking forward to it! And they can take their things for the weekend in this adorable suitcase.

My Riley girl was pretty excited about it too.


Shadow box shelves for Riley's room.


A little rough, but it has the CDs to listen to how to speak French for my girls. They were asking $15 and I paid $5.


Conch shell for Riley's mermaid themed birthday next year. (I'm a plan-a-header)


I paid $1 each for these really cute Express clutches. One can never have too many of these.


Love this big bag for when we go on adventures.


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