Monday, June 4, 2012

Summer Vacation

We have gone back and forth and back and forth about having cable. If I had to commit, I'd be a divorced and remarried lady to our cable company many times over.

There was the time we had a firm, one sided breakup.

And then there was the time we got back together because it ended up being cheaper with it than the internet and phone alone.

And then there was a while there where my husband was working for the cable company and we got it for free anyway, but currently we are on the outs.

My little family and I just home from our vacation to Hilton Head Island and while we were there my littles watched enough cable TV in our villa to make up for all the weeks we've gone without. I heard more Phineas and Ferb episodes than I'd ever like to admit to letting my children watch.  According to them, there are 104 days of summer vacation, but they lie. I just sat at my kitchen table and figured it out, we only have 80 something until doomsday.

Can't even believe it's written on our calendar already because I'm obviously still  in denial of it all...

I am a list-maker-magee and when I realized we don't have a lot of this summer time thing my brain started to work again after taking a week off also. It came back on and I had an epiphany: Lets make a summer bucket list!  I got on where I find all great things: pinterest. And found the idea for this cute little craft to display your bucketlist with an actual bucket. The girls have come up with most of these ideas on their own, and I helped out a tad by offering suggestions. 

We came up with a pretty throughout list of how we want to spend these next 80 days and wrote them on a clothes pin with sharpie. My little Moo helped make the sign for our bucket and viola.

A summer bucket list.

It was super easy and I already had the supplies. I just grabbed a bucket that I've had for a long while I found in the dollar bins at Target and clothes pins from crafts for the girls' birthday parties. Each time we do something on one of our clothespins and from our list we will put the pin in the bucket and hopefully by summers end we will have a full bucket and a full mind of summer memories.

Front View

 Back View

My complete list is as follows:

Lemonade stand. Zoo. Chalk. Bubbles. Indianapolis Children’s museum. Splash park. Kings Island. 
Drive in movie. Root beer Stand. Backyard campout. Picnic in the park. Water balloon fight. 
Make homemade Popsicle. Finger paint. Playdogh. Camping. VBS. Send mail to friends. East Fork Lake. Fishing. Feed ducks. County Fair. Farmers Market.Spa Day. Host a BBQ. Tye Dye t shirts. 
Rootbeer Floats. Scavenger Hunt. See a play. Ride the Bus. Planetarium. Candy Factory Tour. 
Coney Island. Red’s game. Jungle Jims. Church festival.

Can't wait to get started on it because summer is officially here.  Woo!

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